The Influencer Plan


The Influencer role at DYORED is pivotal for spreading the platform's message of smart and safe investing, grounded in thorough research and educational resources. Influencers are essential ambassadors of DYORED’s mission, emphasizing the importance of well-informed decisions in the crypto space.

Influencer Capabilities

  • Initial Access: Influencers begin with the ability to track up to 10 projects and conduct up to 5 private investigations.
  • Expanded Capabilities with Keys: They can use earned keys to extend these limits, allowing for more extensive project tracking and deeper investigations. They don't need to use keys for bump, thread, suggest project or adding rumors.

Role in Promoting DYORED’s Mission

  • External Advocacy: Influencers play a vital role in communicating the value of DYORED’s comprehensive research tools and educational materials to the broader community.
  • Fostering an Informed Community: Their efforts are key to building a well-informed investment community, aligning with DYORED’s commitment to safe and intelligent investing.

Becoming an Influencer

  • Application Process: To become an Influencer, users need to apply, demonstrating their commitment to the platform's ideals.
  • Engagement Requirements: A primary criterion is active engagement with DYORED across various social media platforms, including Discord, Telegram, Twitter, YouTube, and TikTok.
  • Account Review: Following this, the user’s account undergoes an internal review to assess their potential as an Influencer based on their engagement and alignment with DYORED’s values.
  • Approval and Onboarding: Accepted applicants are granted access to the Influencers Hub, where they can start earning keys through various tasks, thus beginning their journey as a DYORED Influencer.


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