1. Overview
  2. Platform Functionalities
  3. Suggesting, Voting & Bumping

Suggesting, Voting & Bumping


The Suggesting, Voting and Bumping features on DYORED play a crucial role in how projects and their respective contributions are perceived and prioritized within the platform. These features allow users and Investigators to actively participate in the platform's ecosystem, influencing project visibility and assessment.

Suggesting a Project

On DYORED, the 'Suggesting a Project' feature enables users to recommend new crypto projects for the platform.

  • Accessible to All: Every user tier, from Navigators to Angels, can suggest projects.
  • Free for Paid Plans: Users on paid plans suggest projects at no cost.
  • Key Use for Navigators: Navigators use keys to suggest a project, ensuring thoughtful recommendations.

Bumping Feature: User and Investigator Perspectives

  • Function for Users: The 'Bump' feature allows logged-in users to signal to Investigators that a particular project, especially one in the Draft phase, is of interest and should be considered for investigation. It serves as a way for users to draw attention to projects they believe warrant further research.
  • Function for Investigators: For Investigators, the 'Bump' button in the DYORing phase serves a different purpose. It is used to nominate projects that have accumulated substantial research and contributions for the final 'DYORED' tag. This action indicates that the project has matured and contains enough information to be considered more trustworthy than others.

Voting System: Comprehensive Engagement

  • Voting Across the Platform: Users who are logged in can vote on various aspects of the platform, including individual projects as a whole, specific contributions within projects, and threads and comments in discussions.
  • Internal Engagement Score: These votes contribute to an internal engagement score for each project. This score is a crucial metric in determining a project's visibility and credibility on the platform.
  • Hidden Scoring Formula: The formula used to calculate the final score of a project is kept confidential to prevent manipulation (such as automated voting or 'vote bots'). This secrecy ensures that the scoring system remains unbiased and accurate.
  • Influence of Votes: Votes on contributions, comments, and overall project completion are factored into the scoring formula. This includes assessing community engagement, social metrics, and mentions – essentially, all interactions on the platform contribute to the project's final score.

Project Scoring and Transparency

  • The voting and bumping mechanisms are integral to maintaining a transparent, user-driven environment on DYORED. While the specific formula for project scoring is kept secret, the platform ensures that the scoring process is fair and reflective of genuine user engagement and interest.

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