Project Phases


Project Tagging System

  1. Draft Phase:

    • Initially, all projects added to DYORED are tagged as 'Draft.' This status indicates that no research or investigation has commenced on the project. In this phase, the project awaits the attention of Investigators.
  2. Transition to DYORING Phase:

    • A project moves from the Draft phase to the 'DYORING' phase when an Investigator begins to work on it and adds public content or research. Only Investigators have the capability to initiate this transition by actively contributing to the project.
  3. Screening Phase and User Bumping:

    • In the Draft phase, logged-in users, including those who are not Investigators, can use the 'Bump' button to highlight a project for potential research. This action moves the project into the 'Screening' phase.
    • The Screening phase is a sort of holding area where projects with user interest are more visible to Investigators, indicating a community interest in seeing research or information developed for these projects.
  4. Bumping in the DYORING Phase:

    • Projects in the DYORING phase also have a 'Bump' button, but it functions differently. Here, only Investigators can use this button.
    • When Investigators feel that a project in the DYORing phase has matured sufficiently with substantial information and research, they can 'Bump' it to propose it for the final 'DYORED' tag.
  5. Evaluation Phase:

    • After being bumped by an Investigator, the project enters the 'Evaluation' phase. In this phase, only Investigators can vote on whether the project should receive the DYORED tag.
    • Achieving enough votes from Investigators in the Evaluation phase leads to an administrative or editorial review, and if approved, the project is finally tagged as 'DYORED.'

Importance of the DYORED Tag

The DYORED tag signifies that a project has been thoroughly researched and vetted by Investigators and has passed through a rigorous community-driven evaluation process. However, it's essential to note that this tag is not an investment recommendation but an indicator of comprehensive community and investigator engagement.

  • Safety Indicator, Not a Guarantee: The 'DYORED' tag suggests that a project is relatively safer and has been extensively vetted compared to others. However, it does not guarantee safety or endorse investment.
  • Community Effort: This tag reflects the collective effort of Investigators, community voting, comments, and further validations, placing the project in a 'safer zone' within the crypto ecosystem.
  • User Discretion Advised: Despite the thorough research and community consensus, DYORED emphasizes that users must make their own investment decisions. DYORED does not offer financial advice, and the 'DYORED' tag should not be seen as an investment recommendation but as a sign of community vetting.

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