Threads & Comments


The Threads & Comments feature on DYORED plays a pivotal role in facilitating dynamic user interactions and discussions within each project. This functionality is closely tied to the platform's organized contribution structure, which is designed to offer a comprehensive and user-friendly experience.

Threads and Comments

  • Initiating Threads: Users across different subscription plans can start threads related to contributions within a project. While all users, including free users (Navigators), can initiate threads, Navigators require keys for this feature.
  • Commenting: All logged-in users have the capability to comment on threads, promoting a diverse exchange of views and information.

Project Contribution Structure

  • Projects as Core Units: Each project on DYORED serves as a central hub for information and discussion.
  • Sections within Projects: Projects are divided into various sections, categorizing different aspects like Project, People, or Marketing.
  • Pages within Sections: These sections contain multiple pages, delving into specific topics or areas of interest.
  • Contributions on Pages: On each page, users find contributions. These contributions are the basis for threads and comments.
  • Types of Contributions on Pages:
    • Public Contributions: These are created by Investigators and are available publicly for all users to view, vote and discuss. They provide detailed analysis and insights about various aspects of a project.
    • Rumors: Generated by users with the appropriate plan, rumors are typically hidden but can be revealed for community discussion.
    • Official News: Provided by Project Members, these contributions offer official updates and announcements and are visibly marked as such.
    • Private Investigations:  Users across different plans, including free users, have a limited capability to conduct private investigations as part of their plan benefits. These investigations offer personal, in-depth analysis and are visible only to the user who initiated them.
    • Official Responses: The "Official Responses" feature on DYORED is a specialized functionality that enhances the platform's credibility and informational accuracy. This feature allows verified project members to interact directly with the content on the platform, providing authoritative and factual responses.

      Understanding Official Responses
      • Source: Official Responses come exclusively from verified project members. These individuals are confirmed to be part of the project team, ensuring the authenticity of the information they provide.
      • Scope of Responses: Project members can offer Official Responses to various user-generated content on the platform, such as comments on threads, rumors, or any contributions.
      • Verification Process: To ensure the reliability of these responses, DYORED implements a stringent verification process. Only members who have been verified as legitimate representatives of their respective projects can provide Official Responses.

        Role and Impact of Official Responses
      • Clarifying Ambiguities: This feature is particularly valuable in addressing and clarifying rumors or speculative discussions, offering a direct line of communication from the project to the community.
      • Enhancing Transparency: By enabling project teams to respond directly to discussions and queries, DYORED fosters a transparent environment where misinformation can be promptly corrected or clarified.
      • Building Trust: Official Responses contribute to building trust within the community, as users receive direct and reliable information from project representatives.

Engagement and Accessibility

  • The arrangement of public contributions, rumors, official news, and private investigations shapes the user experience on each project page. This setup provides a holistic view of each project, combining authoritative information, community insights, and personal analyses.
  • Users interact with these contributions through threads and comments, enriching the collective understanding and fostering a vibrant community discourse.

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