The Angel (Paid Plan)


The Paid plan on DYORED represents a significant step up for users who opt for a paid subscription. This tier is tailored for those seeking deeper analysis and broader engagement in the crypto market, offering enhanced features and greater flexibility compared to the free Navigator tier.

Key Advantages of The Angel Plan

  • Increased Project Tracking and Private Investigations: Angels can track up to 25 projects and initiate up to 15 private investigations. This extended capacity allows for a more comprehensive overview of the crypto market and personalized analysis of specific projects.
  • Unlimited Threads, Suggest Projects, Bumps and Rumors: Angels enjoy the freedom to start unlimited threads, add rumors or suggest/bump a project. This capability facilitates active participation in community discussions, enhancing their influence and engagement within the platform.
  • Voting Rights: Similar to other user categories, Angels possess voting rights, enabling them to contribute to decision-making processes on the platform. They can cast votes on various aspects, except those exclusive to Investigators.

Expanding Capabilities with Keys

  • One of the most significant benefits for Angels is the ability to upgrade their features using keys. They can purchase or earn keys (particularly as Influencers) to increase their project tracking and private investigation limits beyond the base allocation.
  • Earning Keys as Influencers: As an Influencer, an Angel can earn keys without additional purchases, further expanding their access and capabilities within their existing subscription. This path offers an economical way to maximize the benefits of the platform.
  • Transition to Investigator: If an Angel user applies and is accepted as an Investigator, their subscription is converted to a free plan. As Investigators, they contribute their expertise and analysis to the community and are required to deliver a certain amount of project research monthly. In return, they enjoy unlimited access and do not incur any subscription costs.

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